Element TD II
It's finally here. For more than a year, I've been working with a small team of people on Element TD II. If you are not aware, Element-TD...

MechCorp is now on Android!
Took me long enough but I've finally done it. It's has taken me way longer than expected. I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise, it's...

A New Turn-Based ToolKit (v3.0)
I will admit, it's been a while since TBTK see any major update, or any update at all for that matter. There's good reason for that. I...

MechCorp v1.2.0 (More Content)
Remember when I talk about taking a break from MechCorp in my last post? Well I kind of lied. I change my mind a few days after the post....

Updates and Coming soon
It has been a little more than 2 months since MechCorp is released. The game wasn't a runaway success like I anticipated, which is...

MechCorp has been released on Steam!
After months and months of work, a few years in fact, it has finally come to this. I'm so proud to announce that the little project that...

Endless Spec Defense
I have receive a lot of feedback since Spec Defense was released, almost a year back. Well when I say feedback I mean I read the reviews....

MechCorp coming soon to steam. And trailer!
The steam page for MechCorp is finally up - https://store.steampowered.com/app/838180/MechCorp/. And I've got a trailer to show with it....

New Shinny Things
So here we are, a new website and a new blog post. I don't really have anything to say other than the new site is pretty. I mean look at...